private string GetHTMLFromWebBrowser(ChromiumWebBrowser wb) { // call the ViewSource method which will open up notepad and display the html. // this is just so I can compare it to the html returned in GetSourceAsync() // This is displaying all the html code (including child frames) wb.GetBrowser().MainFrame.ViewSource(); // Get the html source code from the main Frame. // This is displaying only code in the main frame and not any child frames of it. Task<String> taskHtml = wb.GetBrowser().MainFrame.GetSourceAsync(); string response = taskHtml.Result; return response; }
browser1.Load(url); browser1.ExecuteScriptAsyncWhenPageLoaded("$('.recommend-pro-anchor a').click();$('.content-sku-right').first().click();$('.article-content-sku').first().click();$('.tpc-item-golink-btn').first().click();", false);